Township of North Bergen

Parking Authority

Monthly Visitor Permit Hangtag


Monthly Visitor Permit Hangtags may be purchased for $30.00 for a one month time period. A maximum of two months may be purchased at one time.

Applicants need to provide the following:

a. Your valid New Jersey driver's license with your name,    

    North Bergen street address, and 

b. valid vehicle registration.


a. Your photo identification,

b. A current utility bill (gas, electric, cable, telephone) with 

    resident's  name and North Bergen street address, and

c. valid vehicle registration. 


The following instructions are to be followed upon your permit purchase:

This permit is only valid for the days, month(s), and years(s) shown.

This permit entitles bearer to park in the North Bergen Residential Parking Permit zones during residential parking hours.

Please hang permit on rearview mirror with this side of permit facing the interior of vehicle. Keep car locked when displaying permit. Please remember to remove the hangtag when vehicle is in operation.

Permits may not be sold, exchanged, or purchased from any person or agency other than from the NBPA.

This permit does not authorize holder to park in fire zones, at parking meters, in roadway, loading zones, designated tow away zones, or any other area not designated as a Residential Parking Zone.

This permit may not be reproduced or altered. Violators are subject to a fine and a revocation of residential parking privileges.

This permit cannot be replaced and is non-refundable.

Daily Visitor Permit Hangtag


Daily Visitor Permit Hangtags may be purchased for $3.00.

Each Daily Visitor Permit Hangtag is valid for one day only. A maximum of fifty (20) Daily Visitor Permits Hangtags may be purchased at one time.  

Applicants need to provide the following:

a. Your valid New Jersey driver's license with your name and

    North Bergen street address.


a. Your photo identification, and

b. A current utility bill (gas, electric, cable, telephone) with

    resident’s name and North Bergen street address.

The following instructions are to be followed upon your permit purchase:

1.  This permit is only valid when one month, one day, and one year are scratched. Permit cannot be used if more than one month, one day and one year are scratched.

2.  To use during the day, scratch off month, date and year. To use overnight, scratch off the next day, month and year.

3.  This permit entitles bearer to park in the North Bergen Residential Parking Permit zones during residential parking hours.

4.  Please hang permit on rearview mirror with this side of permit facing the interior of vehicle. Keep car locked when displaying permit. Please remember to remove the hangtag when vehicle is in operation.


5.  Permit may not be sold, exchanged, or purchased from any person or agency other than from the NBPA.

6.  Permit does not authorize holder to park in fire zones, at parking meters, in roadways, loading zones, designated tow away zones or any other area not designated as a Residential Parking Zone.

7.  Permit may not be reproduced or altered. Violators are subject to a fine and revocation of Residential Parking Privileges.

8.  This permit cannot be replaced and is non-refundable.

                            Parking Permit Hangtag Display         

Visitor Permit Hangtag must be hung from the interior rearview mirror with the dates facing outward. Please display permit so that it is readily visible to parking enforcement personnel.