Q: If I have a commercial vehicle, where can I park in North Bergen? 

A: Commercial vehicles are not not permitted to park in North Bergen unless they are rendering a service or are in a metered area patronizing our business districts. Resident owned commercial vehicles must be parked off street, in your garage or drivewat, or you can check with our office for available space in one our municipal parking lots. Contractor commercial vehicles may park on a residential street, for up to 8 hours, if they place cones in the front and back of the vehicle to indicare that they are rendering a service. Contractors should contact our office for avilable permits if they are working on longer term projects. 

Q: They changed my license plate on my car. What do I do?

A: You must come in person with your registration to update your plate number or you can call us so we can provide the email for you to send over your vehicle registration. 

Q: Do I need a parking permit if I have a handicap placard?

A: Yes, to park on a residential street in North Bergen you must have a parking permit. 

Q: What can I do if the meter is OUT OF ORDER/BROKEN?

A: If a meter is out of order, you may pay for parking using out meter application. It's as easy as scanning the QR code on the meter or visit the website at mobile.parkvantage.com. Metered pay stations are also available in select areas. 

Q: If I have a handicap parking spot, am I able to also park in a regular parking spot?

A: No. You can only park in your designated handicap parking, if you park in a different spot without a parking permit you will be in violation and will be subject to a summons. 

Q: How long do the residential parking permits last? 

A: If the residential parking permit is purchased at the beginning of the renewal period, it will last 3 years. If purchased after the renewal period has begun, you will get the remainder of the time left. 

If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us during office hours at (201) 869-6200. 

Q: If I give you a plate number, can you tell me if I have any tickets to pay? 

A: You must contact the Court at (201) 392-2088 for ticket research or to pay any outstanding tickets. 

Q: Why doesn't the Authority issue permits and hangtags anymore?

A: Due to license plate reader technology, your license plate serves as your permit. This allows for digital permits that can be purchased online, in person at our office or at one of the many pay stations throughout town. 

Q: If I live in a certain zone, can I only park in that zone or can I park in all of North Bergen? 

A: With a residential permit you can park in all of North Bergen,except where it is signed for Zone Specific permits or it is a metered parking area. You must have the Zone Specific permit to park ont hose signed streets. Ve sure to follow the streets signs and feed the meters if parked at one. 

Q: Do I need a permit with a handicap placard? 

A: Yes, you need a residential permit to park evn if you have a handicap placard. 


Q: Can I apply for a HANDICAP parking space?

A: You will have to contact the handicap department at 201-392-2031 if you are interested in applying for a handicap space. 




Q: I just purchased a new car, do I need a permit for my temporary plates?  

A: Yes. Temporary plates can get a residential permit. However, when the actual license plates come in you must update the residential permit. 





For more information about our Commercial Vehicle Regulations, please visit this page

For more information about our Parking Lots, please visit this page

For more information about our Online Permit System, please visit this page

For more information about our Zones, please visit this page

Please call North Bergen Parking Authority at (201) 869-6200 to report the broken meter.

Q: What do I do if the parking lot needs to be repainted or repaired? 

A: You may either call us at  (201) 869-6200 during our office hours or email our HelpDesk at nbparkinghelp@nbpaonline.org to report any parking lot maintenance. 

Q: At what time does the sweeper pass on my street?

AClick here for Sweeper Schedule.

Q: Do I still need to pay for the meter on a holiday?

A: In observance for certain holidays, the North Bergen Parking Authority will suspend all parking enforcement until the next day. CLICK HERE for holiday schedule. 

Q: What is 'ParkVantage' and how do I get it?

A: It is our digital application that you can download for your phone to pay for meter parking. You can simply scan the QR code on the signs nearest your vehicle or download the MOBILE App For more information,  CLICK HERE.  

Q: How do I apply for a Business parking permit if I am a resident?

A: For more information about a Business permit, CLICK HERE. 


Q: What are the charging rates? 

A: To charge your EV car the minimum charge is $1.50 Per Hour for up to 2 Hours and $5.00 Per Hour After 2 Hours.

For more information about our EV charging stations, please visit this page

Q: Do I have to be a resident to apply for a parking space? 

A: Yes. You must have your driver license and vehicle registration changed to the North Bergen address to apply for a parking space.

The 24 hour limit is set forth in N.J.S.A. 39: 4-207

Q:  Is a person with a wheelchair symbol license plate/placard required to deposit money when parking at a metered space?
 A:  Yes. When parking at a metered space, a driver with a disability placard/license plate must put the appropriate amount of money in the meter. If the vehicle will occupy the space for more than the maximum amount of time allotted on the meter,  the driver must fill the meter to the maximum amount allowed. This will permit the vehicle to occupy the space for up to 24 hours without having to come back and refill the meter. A municipality may require the vehicle to vacate the space after 24 hours. 


Q: Where can I find charging stations?

A: We currently have three locations for our North Bergen EV charging stations:
  • NBPA/Court Office Parking Lot 
  • Municipal Parking Lot, 609 Liberty Ave.
  • 51st Street

Q: If my address is not included in the L.B.T. (Liberty) Zone, can I still park in that area if I cannot find parking? 

A: Yes, but you are limited to parking on the side of the street that allows all permit types. Do NOT park if the sign on your side of the street is marked "LBT permit only". Parking on this side of the street will result in a parking ticket. 

Q: Why is 38th street not included in the L.B.T. zone? 

A: The LBT zone is small pilot area that is being tested. The smaller area will yield better enforcement results to assist in defining the program's effectiveness which will determine if it should be expanded in this area. 

For more information about our LBT Zone, please visit this page

Q: Why is the L.B.T. Zone a new zone in North Bergen? 

A: The L.B.T. zone was created to address resident concerns due to very limited parking in heavily visited commuter area. The zone specific areas help create parking specifically for residents within the restricted area. 


Q: What if I have a family member visiting me? Where can they park? 

A: Visitors are limited to parking on the side of the street that allows all permit types. Visitors without a permit will be subject to the 3-hour limit between 7am and 10pm. They may purchase a visitor permit, to avoid receiving a summons, if their visit will be longer than 3 hours or overnight. Make sure they do NOT park on the side of the street that has the "LBT permit only" sign. 

Q:What do I do if I want to contest a ticket? 

A: If you would like to dispute a summons, you may contact the Court at (201) 392-2088 to schedule an appearance.